Kindness Project Bouquet
Kindness Project Bouquet💐💛
Spread kindness, one bloom at a time! With our Kindness Project Bouquet, when you purchase a bouquet for yourself, you’ll receive an extra bouquet to share with someone who could use a little joy—whether it’s a friend, neighbor, teacher, or a stranger in need of encouragement.
How It Works:
Buy One Bouquet – Choose from our fresh, seasonal blooms.
Receive One to Give – We’ll include an extra bouquet for you to share.
Brighten Someone’s Day – A small act of kindness can make a big difference!
Availability: Date to be determined based on inventory.
Price: $30
Pickup Location: Gathered Bloom, 5568 Underwoods Corner Road, Clayton, DE 19938
Two mid-season bouquets per customer will be provided for pick up at the farm.
Date to be determined based on inventory.
Kindness Project Bouquet💐💛
Spread kindness, one bloom at a time! With our Kindness Project Bouquet, when you purchase a bouquet for yourself, you’ll receive an extra bouquet to share with someone who could use a little joy—whether it’s a friend, neighbor, teacher, or a stranger in need of encouragement.
How It Works:
Buy One Bouquet – Choose from our fresh, seasonal blooms.
Receive One to Give – We’ll include an extra bouquet for you to share.
Brighten Someone’s Day – A small act of kindness can make a big difference!
Availability: Date to be determined based on inventory.
Price: $30
Pickup Location: Gathered Bloom, 5568 Underwoods Corner Road, Clayton, DE 19938
Two mid-season bouquets per customer will be provided for pick up at the farm.
Date to be determined based on inventory.
Kindness Project Bouquet💐💛
Spread kindness, one bloom at a time! With our Kindness Project Bouquet, when you purchase a bouquet for yourself, you’ll receive an extra bouquet to share with someone who could use a little joy—whether it’s a friend, neighbor, teacher, or a stranger in need of encouragement.
How It Works:
Buy One Bouquet – Choose from our fresh, seasonal blooms.
Receive One to Give – We’ll include an extra bouquet for you to share.
Brighten Someone’s Day – A small act of kindness can make a big difference!
Availability: Date to be determined based on inventory.
Price: $30
Pickup Location: Gathered Bloom, 5568 Underwoods Corner Road, Clayton, DE 19938
Two mid-season bouquets per customer will be provided for pick up at the farm.
Date to be determined based on inventory.